Valid from: 6:00 PM on Saturday 25 January 2025
Synopsis: A low level trough will be affecting the island
Forecast for Tonight:
Cloudy and breezy with scattered light to moderate showers
Forecast for Tomorrow:
Mostly cloudy and breezy with scattered showers which could be moderate to heavy at times
Wind: ENE to E @ 15 to 40 km/h with higher gusts
Sea Conditions: Moderate to rough in open water
Waves: 2.0 to 3.0 meters or 7.0 to 10.0 feet.
Warning/Advisory: A Small Craft Warning and A High Surf Advisory are in effect
Sunrise: 6:36 AM
Sunset: 6:01 PM
Low Tide: 6:23 AM and 8:26 PM
High Tide: 2:22 am and 12:55 PM
Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles
Valid from: 6:00 PM on Saturday 25 January 2025
Moisture and instability associated with a westward-moving low-level trough are expected to result in increased cloudiness and showers, some of which could be moderate to heavy, tonight and on Sunday. Residents and travellers in areas prone to flooding, landslides and falling rocks are urged to remain vigilant and exercise caution.
Breezy to windy conditions will persist across the region over the coming days.
Moderate to rough seas are forecast for the next few days, with waves peaking at up to 10 feet along the eastern coastline. Sea users, residents near coastal areas, and those traversing these zones are advised to stay alert and take the necessary precautions. Sea-bathers are strongly advised to avoid entering the water.